Veterans Day Profile: Nick B.

Military Service:

U.S. Navy

What led you to join the military?

My dad served 22 years in the Army and growing up, that was what I wanted to do. It felt as if it was my purpose to serve in the military because I believed in the reason to fight for our freedoms and the freedoms of others when asked.

How has your military service impacted your life?

The military instilled a sense of dignity and pride in every endeavor I take on. To do my job and live my life holding myself to a higher standard.

What was your greatest challenge in the military?

Overcoming my mind. Though the military is physically demanding, your mind holds you back more often than your body. Conquer your mind and you can overcome anything.

What is something you learned in the military that you still use today?

Attention to detail in any job I take on and the drive to always make it right.