Veterans Day Profile: Christopher H.

Military Service

US Navy Amphibious Construction Battalion I – 16 years, currently in the Reserves

What led you to join the military?

Military service was something I always wanted to do growing up and I am the first one in my family that joined.

How has your military service impacted your life?

It was very positive in my life as it kept me out trouble. I was headed down a bad path. I got to see the world but missed a lot of birthdays and holidays with my children. Also, the fact that I took part in protecting our citizens.

What was your greatest challenge in the military?

As a reservist, it is like a full-time job so, I am juggling two full-time jobs and as the years pass and with higher rank, my responsibilities keep going up and up. Every night of the week, I have Navy work from home as well as managing civilian life and family life.

What is something you learned in the military that you still use today?

Discipline! Respect for others and my mentality was morphed into being very proactive.